Oliver Edmonds


Masters of Osteopathy (M.Ost) (Swansea University, UK)
NASM-certified Personal Trainer


Oliver is a UK-trained Osteopath – completing his Master’s degree in 2020 at Swansea University UK. Since then, he has worked in South Wales, New Zealand and now, Hong Kong. Oliver has a specific interest in the mechanics and physiology of breathing and how the movement of ribcage, spine and relevant musculatures are significant in healthy living – particularly in a seated, desk-based society. His thesis investigated the association between poor breathing mechanics, sleep-disordered breathing dysfunctions and the subsequent consequences of poor-quality sleep.

He has extensive experience working with many individuals from all walks of life and a variety of working backgrounds; from farmers, to teachers, to professional athletes – to name just a few. Oliver is also an NASM-certified personal trainer.

Oliver’s treatment style uses a structural-functional approach, utilising soft-tissue massage, joint mobilisation, adjustments, isometric releases and stretches. He approaches individuals by treating them “as a whole”: not only engaging with areas of physical discomfort, but observing the body in it’s entirety, from physiological, sociological and psychological perspectives – a key philosophy of Osteopathy. He feels that although treatment sessions alone can provide many benefits and significant relief, establishing stretching and strengthening routines at home is key to looking after yourself as well.

Oliver was born in the UK but grew up in Hong Kong. He loves the outdoors, particularly long distance thru-hiking and is also a long-time dinghy sailor and coach. When he can’t get out of the city he enjoys going to the gym, trying to master his golf game, swimming and martial arts – having a background in Chinese Kenpo Karate and some experience with Jiu Jitsu. 

Book an Appointment with Oliver

+852 2801.4877